Albuquerque Transit


Get to your destination using ABQ Ride, Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) or Sun Van, the City of Albuquerque's public transit system.

ABQ RIDE Zero Fares Pilot Program

Introduced in 2022, passengers will not have to pay to ride ABQ public transit includes: ABQ RIDE, ART, and Sun Van. Program is active! Learn more at Zero Fares Pilot Program

Routes & Schedules

Use ABQ Ride's website and apps for more information on schedules, routes, and trip planning:

ABQ Ride Routes & Schedules
ABQ Ride Route Planner

Where's My Bus?

Download the UNM LoboMobile app today to track your ride! Users can track the locations of ABQ RIDE buses and UNM shuttles in near-real time using a computer or smartphone.

ABQ RIDE on Your Phone

TXT2RIDE: Use ABQ RIDE’s text service TXT2RIDE on Rapid Ride routes as well as Route #66-Central, Route #8-Menaul, Route #11-Lomas, and Route #157-Montano/Kirtland/Uptown. Simply send a text to 27433 that provides the bus stop number, a space, and the route number. Within 10 seconds, you will receive a text message with the scheduled arrival time of the next two buses at that stop. Standard texting rates apply according to your carrier or plan.

ABQ RIDE App: The ABQ RIDE App, currently available for free to iOS and Android users, primarily tells where your bus is within 30 second accuracy. It also features bus schedules, fares, ABQ RIDE's website, related websites such as the N.M. Rail Runner and any special alerts regarding Transit.