Faculty & Staff Permits

UNM Parking & Transportation Services (PATS) provides parking accommodations for UNM Faculty & Staff at various locations around North, Central, and South campuses in Albuquerque. PATS offers a wide range of options to meet individual cost and covenience needs. Annual parking permits may be purchase for one academic year and are renewable automatically by opting for automatic payroll deduction at time of purchase. Park at your own risk! Read the full parking liability waiver.

UNM Faculty & Staff must visit our Business office prior to your temporary parking permit expires (provided by HR) to purchase a parking permit. Faculty & Staff members are expected to read, understand, and follow our published Parking & Transportation Regulations.

What do I need to buy?

To purchase a parking permit for UNM you will need:

  • LoboCard or Driver's License
  • Vehicle information including license plate, registration state, year, make, model, color, style, and VIN
    • For your convenience, bring your vehicle registration information.
  • Form of payment
    • Cash*
    • Debit/Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or AmericanExpress)
    • Automatic Payroll Deduction**

*Cash payments are only accepted when purchasing a parking permit at our Business office.

**Automatic payroll deduction option is available to full-time, benefits-eligible UNM Faculty, Staff, and UNMTemps. Automatic payroll deduction payments substract permit fees from your paychecks. All permits paid through payroll deduction are automatically renewed every academic year until you return your permit in-person.

UNM PATS is required to offer two different parking rate schedules based on UNM Faculty & Staff annualized salary, regardless of term or FTE status.

  • Rate #1: Employees that earn below $70K per year, annualized
  • Rate #2: Employees that each above $70K per year, annualized

Parking rates also vary by type of parking permit. Parking permit types available to UNM Faculty & Staff include Commuter, Proximity Tier 1 & Tier 2, Structure, Reserved Tier 1 & Tier 2, Structure Reserved, Motorcycle, and Moped/Scooter.

Q-Lot Designation

With the Designation of Q-lot to Proximity Tier 2 Parking Zone. UNM Faculty & Staff rate increase will be spread over the next two academic year (AY) cycle, as follows:

  • AY2024-25
    • Faculy/Staff (below $70K): $288/year ($24 monthly or $12 bi-weekly)
    • Faculty/Staff (above $70K): $336/year ($28 monthly or $14 bi-weekly)
  • AY2025-26
    • Faculty/Staff permits will be effective as rates below for Proximity Tier 2 Parking Zone

Parking Rates for Academic Year 2024-25 as of July 1, 2024



(K or South)

Proximity Tier 1

(A, B, C, F, J, L, M, R, & U)

Proximity Tier 2

(DSC, G, GR, P, Q, T, & W)


(Lomas or Yale)

Reserved Tier 1

(A, B, C, F, J, L, M, N, R, & U)

Reserved Tier 2

(DSC, G, GR, P, Q, T, & W)

Structure Reserved
Below $70/Year
Monthly Payroll Deduction$18$41$40.50$49.50$118$116$144
Bi-Weekly Payroll Deduction$9$20.50$20.25$24.75$59$58$72
Above $70/Year
Monthly Payroll Deduction$18$47.50$46.50$70$118$116$144
Bi-Weekly Payroll Deduction$9$23.75$23.25$35$59$58$72


Alternative Permits



Annually$90 or Free*$48 or Free*

Monthly Payroll Deduction


Bi-Weekly Payroll Deduction 


*UNM Faculty & Staff may be eligible to receive one (1) free motorcycle, moped, or scooter permit with purchase of a vehicle parking permit.

Are you working remotely or not coming to UNM everyday? In addition to annual parking permits, PATS is excited to announce two flexible parking solutions. Faculty & Staff employees parking on campus for no more than two (2) days a week – who do not have an annual parking permit – these programs offer flexible parking options. Compare your options to find out what works best for you. Eligibility for flexible parking is available only to non-regular annual permit holders.

Option #1: Pay-By-Day Permit

Park in designated parking spaces (eligibility required) around Central & North campus parking zones. For more information about purchasing, designated zones, and pricing visit our Pay-By-Day Parking Permit.

Option #2: Employee Scratchers

Purchase and use a scratcher permit to park in permit parking spaces in the zone designated on your scratcher permit(s). Must purchase at the PATS Business office. Limit 10 scratchers in a 30-day period.

Parking Rates for Academic Year 2024-25 as of July 1, 2024

Pay-By-Day Permit

Employee Scratchers

Rate$10 per day$10 per scratcher.
Limit 10 per month
EligibilityFaculty & Staff Non-Permit Holders
LengthAll-Day Usage

Parking Zones:
GR, G, PM, & U

Parking space operates on a first-come, first serve basis

To be determined at time of sale
How to PurchaseSubmit a Pay-by-Day Permit ApplicationPATS Business office


UNM Faculty & Staff taking a leave of absence or sabbatical can return their parking permit to stop their automatic payroll deduction at any time. Employees who do not pay for their permits through payroll deduction will receive a prorated refund* per the PATS permit refund schedule. *Does not apply to employees who are enrolled in payroll deduction.

Acceptable leaves of absence include Sabbatical, Medical Leave, or Military Leave

  • If you are taking a leave of absence from The University of New Mexico you must notify PATS with your pending leave in writing.
  • If you are taking sabbatical you must provide a letter from your department head on official UNM Letterhead stating your term of your leave. PATS must be notified if the leave term is extended.

Parking permits and gate cards (if applicable) must be returned to the PATS Business office prior to your leave.

Upon your return to UNM, you may purchase a parking permit in your previously assigned zone, lot or structure, at a prorated price. Subject to availability. PATS cannot guarantee eligibility indefinitely and will only hold permit eligibility for up to three (3) months after the end of the leave of absence term.

Separation from UNM

If you separete from The University of New Mexico, parking permits and gate cards (if applicable) must be returned in person to the PATS Business office prior to your departure. Failure to do so will leave you liable for any remaining fees. If you paid for your permit in full for the academic year, you may be eligible for a prorated refund. Please see the UNM HR's Separation Checklist for Staff Employees for more information.

Waitlists become available once permits sell out for a particular zone, lot or structure. You may add yourself to a waitlist for a permit you are eligible to purchase through My Parking Account or with the help of a PATS Customer Service Rep at our Business office.

Once a permit becomes available from the waitlist you have signed up for you will receive an email notification to your UNM email address with instructions to purchase the available permit. You will have five (5) business days to accept the permit offer, after this time the permit will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.


  • When the permit that you desire is sold out, you may elect to sign up on a waitlist for the opportunity to purchase when space becomes available. If you purchase an alternative permit while you wait for the waitlisted permit to be released, your permit may be exchanged for a $10 exchange fee plus the permit cost difference.
  • Periodic lot counts are done to assess the utilization of the parking lot. When deemed possible, additional permits are offered to those on a waitlist.
  • To submit a waitlist request, login to your parking account and select the waitlist option. Once submitted you will be able to see (when logged onto our website) where you are on the waitlist.
  • Waitlist award recipients will receive an email from Parking Services when their name has been released from the waitlist along with instructions on how to purchase the permit. If you no longer want the permit you were awarded, disregard the email.


When submitting a refund request, UNM Faculty & Staff will need to complete the online form, which can be accessed on the Parking Permit Refund page. You will need to log into your parking account using your UNM NetID and password. Your refund should be processed within 10 business days from the time of request; the amount of time may vary by a few days depending on the reimbursement method.

Eligible employees may purchase an "NCT" permit to park in the N-Crisis Triage lot, Mondays through Fridays from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m., and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.

Eligible employees can purchase these permits directly from UNM Hospital Parking & Transportation Services. These permits allow eligible staff members to park in the spaces marked as dual-use patient/NCT permit parking during the posted hours of 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Eligible employees interested in purchasing the NCT permit may report in-person to UNMH PATS at 1601 Lomas Blvd NE (the Northwest corner of Lomas & University Blvd, just West of the old Gallas Chevrolet), and/or by contacting UNMH PATS at (505) 272-4074.

Please be aware that employees that choose to park in these dual-use patient/NCT parking spaces between 6 p.m. to 8 a.m., and/or Saturdays & Sundays, without first obtaining a valid NCT permit (and displaying the valid permit as required), are subject to enforcement action, citation, and/or fine.

For night shift employees that elect to not purchase the NCT permit, they continue to park in the locations authorized by their current permits.

  • For UNMH employees, this may be Lot 6, Lands West, and/or the employee levels of the UNMH Tower Garage (if eligible).
  • For UNM/HSC employees, this would be their assigned zone parking and/or if eligible, under the '3:45 P.M. Rule,' may be the "M" Zone parking at the M-Family Practice or M-Dental lots. Please be aware that cars parked in another zone under the '3:45 P.M. Rule' are required to return to their assigned zone by 7 a.m. the following weekday morning.

Anyone with questions about parking zones and requirements are encouraged to email us at parktran@unm.edu or to contact the PATS Business office at (505) 277-1938, Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.