Permit Purchase Dates

UNM Parking & Transportation Services (PATS) caters to both students and faculty/staff, offering convenient parking solutions tailored to academic programs and employment locations across North, Central, and South campusus. Students, faulty, and staff may purchase annual parking permits through My Parking Account or at the PATS Business office. Lobos who choose not to purchase a permit, as well as campus visitors, may use various daily and hourly parking options. Retrictions apply.

Stay updated with UNM PATS on Facebook, X (@UNMPATS), or Instagram (@unm_pats) for advisories, construction notices, permit purchase dates, and more exciting updates. For questions, please call us at 505-277-1938, send an email to, or visit us in person at the PATS Business Office.

To purchase a parking permit for UNM, you will need the following:

  • Photo ID (UNM LoboCard, Driver's License, or Passport), if purchasing in person
  • UNM NetID & password, if purchasing online
  • Vehicle information including license plate, registration state, year, make, model, color, style, and VIN
    • For your convenience, bring your paper vehicle registration form
  • Form of payment, accepted payment methods include:
    • Cash*
    • Debit/Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or AmericanExpress)
    • UNM Bursar's Transfer
    • Automatic Payroll Deduction**

*Cash payments are only accepted when purchasing a parking permit at our Business office.

**Automatic payroll deduction is available to full-time, benefits-eligible Faculty, Staff, and UNMTemps. Payroll deduction payments substract permit fees from your paychecks depending on your exemption status. All permits paid through payroll deduction are automatically renewed every academic year until you return your parking permit to our Business office.

Student Permits

Most student parking permits are sold out except for commuter zones. Waitlists for proximity, structure, and resident parking areas are available through My Parking Account or at our Business office.

Are you leaving The University? Students not returning to UNM during the Spring semester may be eligible to receive a prorated refund. Visit our Parking Permit Return and Reimbursement page for more information.

Summer 2025 Campus Resident Permits
Purchase date tentatively Monday, May 12, 2025.


Faculty & Staff Permits

Are you a new hire? UNM Faculty & Staff must visit our Business office prior to your temporary parking permit expires (provided by HR) to purchase a parking permit. Those who purchase a permit throughout the academic year will pay a prorated rate based on purchase date. PATS staff will provide parking information, permit availability, and cost at time of purchase.

Student Permits

Campus ResidentProximity & StructureCommuter
R*, S (Lomas)*,
INS*, & GR*
G*, L*, P,
Q*, T, & Y (Yale)
K &South

Permit purchase dates for AY25-26 will be announced through PATS social media platforms
late March to late April.

*Parking permits are subject to eligibility requirements. For questions, call (505) 277-1938, send an email to, or visit us in person at the Business office.


Faculty & Staff Permits

UNM Faculty & Staff that paid through payroll deduction will automatically renew late July, 2025. Those who purchase a permit after this date and throughout the academic year will pay a prorated rate.

If you paid for your permit utilizing cash or card, faculty and staff may purchase next academic year's parking permits starting late July 2025.