
Officers patrol campus to ensure fire, safety, and ADA regulations are being followed. They enforce pay station regulations and proper parking permit usage. The enforcement of parking garages, reserve, and pay station spaces, and areas restricted by signage (residential permitted zones, official/service vehicle only, patient parking, loading zones, ADA spaces, fire lanes, safety curbs, etc.) are subject to 24/7 enforcement.


Parking & Transportation Services enforcement division operates pursuant by the authority granted in §29-5-1.1 NMSA 1978. The issuance of citation fines and fees for parking code violations approved by the UNM Board of Regents. As a state agency, PATS has the authority and ability to access state motor vehicle records to ascertain responsible parties associated with vehicles in violation of parking regulation. View UNM's Parking Reglations.

  • Properly display your permit on your rear-view mirror or driver-side dashboard (Refer to the diagram below and printed on the back of your permit for display instructions).
  • Park only in your designated permit parking zone.
  • Park between two white lines and/or at a bumper barrier.
  • Pay extra, if possible, when using pay station parking to allow for extra time.
  • Never park in a space to which you are not entitled, even outside of parking enforcement hours. (e.g. reserved, patient parking, official/service vehicle only, etc.).
  • Valid ADA-placard or ISA-license plate holders DO NOT need to purchase a UNM permit to park on campus. ADA accessible parking is free with the display of a state-issued ADA placard or ISA-license plate (issued spcifically to you) for parking in ADA, pay station, or regular permitted spaces, not otherwise restricted by signage.

Permits are non-transferable.

Alteration or reproduction of parking permits is strictly prohibited.

Hang Tag Permits: Sticker Permits:
Sticker permits are meant to be removeable with ease. If you do not want to stick the permit onto your window interior the PATS Business office offers clear hang tags at no cost to permit holders.
Fall & Spring Enforcement Hours
Monday-Thursday*7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday*7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday*8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday*During special & scheduled events

Parking garages, reserve, and pay station spaces, and areas restricted by signage can be enforced 24/7. When PATS operates special event parking, special event parking rates apply.

Saturday Enforcement (Fall/Spring Only)

In effort to provide better customer service, PATS conducts Saturday enforcement during Fall & Spring semesters in addition to regular enforcement during Mondays through Fridays.

Saturday enforcement includes:

  • All pay station spaces, including Cornell and Yale Parking Structrues
  • Campus Resident zones: R, S (Lomas), GR, and INS
  • Reserve parking spaces
  • Official & Service Vehicle Only parking spaces
  • ADA parking spaces
  • Fire lanes
  • Safety curbs
  • Loading zones

For Saturday enforcement complaints, call 505-934-0472

  • Monday-Friday: After 3:45 p.m.
  • Saturday & Sunday: All Day

Commuter and proximity permits become valid to use in any regular permitted parking spaces in other proximity parking zones.

If you have parking permit:
A, AIMS, B, C, DSC, E, F, G, GR (Fac/Staff), INS, J, K, L, Lobo Village, Lot 6/OSI (UNM Issued), M, P, Q, RESERVED, RIO, ROTC, S-Lomas (Fac/Staff), SOUTH, T, U, W, or Yale

You may park your vehicle at any regular, unmarked space in:
A, B, C, DSC, F, G, I, J, K, L, M, P, Q, RIO, SOUTH, T, U, and W

The following restrictions apply:

  • Does not apply to reserved spaces, ADA parking, barricaded areas, fire lanes, or pay station parking spaces.
  • Does not apply to parking structures, although structure permit holders are entitled to roam after 3:45 p.m.
  • Does not apply to R or S resident zones/permits. R-lot and S (Lomas) structure permits are only valid in their respective zones at all times and no other permits are allowed in those zones.
  • Does not apply to the GR zone, although Faculty & Staff permit holders are entitled to roam after 3:45 p.m.
  • Does not apply to South lot on game days, since the facility is owned by Athletics who impose their own separate parking fees on these occasions.
  • Does not apply to the following permits: AML, CHTM, and new employee temporary permits (provided by Human Resources).
Citation & Fine rates as of July 1, 2024
Citation Code  Description  Citation Amount
01Failure to Display Valid Permit$50
02Permit Invalid for Zone$50
03Loading Zone Violation$50
04Motorcycle/Scooter not in Corral$50
05Parking in ADA Zone$500
06Parked on the Wrong Side of Street$50
07Not Parked within Lines, Stalls, or Barriers$50
08Obstructing Traffic$50
09Pay Station Violation$50
10Improper Use of a Metered Space$50
11Parking Prohibited, No Signs Required$50
12Parking Prohibited by Sign$50
13Time Limited by Sign$50
14Parking Limited by Posted Hours$50
15Parked Too Far from Curb$50
16Use of a Forged or Altered Permit$100
17Official Vehicle Space Violation$50
18Service Vehicle Space Violation$50
19Patient Vehicle Space Violation$100
20Unauthorized Use of Reserved Space$100
21Towed Vehicle Notice$0 / Notice
22Booted Vehicle Service Charge$100 Service Charge + Daily Boot Fee $14
23Warning to Boot$0 / Notice
24Permit Reported Lost/Stolen$100
25Citation Balance Transfer to$0 / Notice
26Parking in a Fire Lane$100
27Failure to Display LE/FE & Valid$50
29Warning to Tow$0
30Failed to Provide Ownership of ADA placard$0
31EV Reserved$100
96Unpaid Bursar CitationsNotice
98Usage FeeVariable
99Unauthorized Use/Possession of a Permit$100
BOTBoot on Side for ID$0
BRUNM Hospital Boot RecordNotice
COComment Citation for TrackingNotice
PFVisitor Pay Lot Parking FeeNot Active
PHPhotograph for Proof of ViolationNot Active
ROVInformational Warning for Old Permit$0 / Notice
SCDamage Service Charge$TBD
TOWTow on Site; No UNM ConnectionNot Active