Town Hall
![]() | Join us for the first informational Town Hall of the 2024-2025 year! Learn about upcoming construction projects, sustainability initiatives and essential updates on parking rates. Be there and be part of the conversation! Watch the recording below. Town Hall Q&A section located after recording. |
PATS Summer '24 Town Hall - Recording
Why are we increasing parking permit rates?
Watch the PATS Town Hall and skip to 16:52 to listen to the PATS Director, Shawn Arruti, talk about why the permit rate increase.
Stay updated with UNM PATS on Facebook, Twitter (@UNMPATS), or Instagram (@unm_pats) for advisories, construction notices, permit purchase dates, and more exciting updates. For questions, please call us at 505-277-1938, send an email to, or visit us in person at the PATS Business Office.
Town Hall Q&A
This is an ongoing process. As permits are not renewed by existing permit holders, and permits in a desired zone become available, customers on the existing waitlists are contacted and given the opportunity to purchase a permit. Additionally, during the third week of the Fall and Spring Semesters, PATS Enforcement conducts lot audits to determine lot usage. The PATS Business Office reviews these numbers and determines if an additional number of permits may be issued.
UNM has certain design standards which are critical to the overall aesthetics of the campus community which would need to be considered, but PATS is open to having discussions about these types of ideas.
The "U" lot, located at 1650 University, north of University and Indian School, currently has limited covered parking in the surface lot. The Yale Parking Structure has solar panels and shade structures on the top level of the parking structure. Outside of these two areas, this has not been an upgrade the UNM has previously pursued.
The Albuquerque Park-and-Ride "Zero Fare" program currently provides customers the opportunity to carpool and park their vehicles at various city terminal locations throughout the city which will allow riders to access the city transit system at no cost and bring riders to the downtown/University area.
While PATS does not currently offer a separate park-and-ride system and/or platform that connects interested UNM campus members with other interested UNM Campus members for carpool arrangements, PATS is open to having discussions about these types of ideas.
For qualifying faculty and staff members parking on campus for no more than two days a week -- who do not have an annual permit – a flexible parking option is the Pay-By-Day parking. The ParkMobile "Pay-by-Day" solution allows eligible faculty and staff members to park in designated spaces in Central and North Campus zones, which include the P/B-Overflow lot (Zone 517), the GR lot (Zone 516), the M-Dental Lot (Zone 515), the G Lot (Zone 514), and the U Lot (Zone 518).
These ParkMobile zones are not publicly available parking spaces. The only individuals able to select these zones in their ParkMobile app are the ones prequalified to use them. Additional information about the Pay-by-Day parking permit opportunity is available on the PATS website at Pay-By-Day Parking Permit.
This area is a city-owned street. The City of Albuquerque Municipal Development posted the signage in response to concerns from the local community about parallelparking alongside the west curbing.
UNM PATS continues to recruit staff to operate the shuttle services to ensure that we have the correct number of shuttles servicing the shuttle routes. The driver staffing shortage is not unique to this industry and is a nationwide issue. To minimize the staffing issue our Transportation Field Supervisors, monitor the parking lots and shuttle stops throughout the shift to reassign shuttles as needed to accommodate the passenger numbers. There are more shuttles assigned to heavily used parking lots and the amount of activity in a location to be able to accommodate the passengers. There may be delays at times during the break times for shuttle drivers depending on the staffing for the day. This may result in only one shuttle on the shuttle route during the break. UNM PATS Transportation Team, work at minimizing these events to ensure that shuttle routes have a minimum of two shuttle buses on route and any given time. The investment in PassioGo! will help in identifying daily ridership and times to adjust shuttles as needed through the day to be able to accommodate the needs to a particular shuttle route and time.
UNM PATS’ ongoing Accessible Parking Initiative is designed to better ensure the availability of designated Accessible (ADA) parking spaces on the campus for use by legitimate users. As part of this initiative, UNM PATS Enforcement Officers performs periodic “focused enforcement” events on the campus. These events are meant to ensure applicable State of New Mexico and University Parking Regulations and laws pertaining to the appropriate use of ADA parking spaces on the UNM campuses are being complied with. During these events, Enforcement Officers will ask for accessible parking placards and photo IDs to confirm ownership. Accessible parking placards held by customers and found to be out-of-compliance with state laws and UNM Parking Regulations (unauthorized and/or illegal use) will be confiscated and returned to the NM MVD.
Lobo Village parking permits are obtained from the main leasing office at Lobo Village. Please visit the front desk at Lobo Village and their staff will be able to assist you with obtaining a permit.
UNM has the "3:45 p.m. Rule", which allows eligible permit holders to relocate their vehicles to a regular permitted space in most zones on main campus after 3:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday. The Lobo Village permit is eligible for the 3:45 p.m. Rule.
The closest lots to UNM School of Medicine, Building 2, would be in the M zone, the W zone, the G zone, and/or the Q zone. If parking in the W, G, and/or Q zone, to either walk and/or use the shuttle service based on individual preference.
The UNM Shuttle service operates during the Fall and Spring Semesters from 6:30 a.m. and 10 p.m., Monday – Thursday, and 6:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Friday, and a modified schedule during the Summer Session. As a reminder, UNM has the "3:45 p.m. Rule", which allows eligible permit holders to relocate their vehicles to a regular permitted space in most zones on main campus after 3:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, and all-day Saturday and Sunday.
Yes, as new building construction projects take place, there are plans to add additional electric vehicle charging stations. As new charging stations come online, they will be added to the ChargePoint website and the PATS website at Electric Vehicle Charging.
Customers with electric vehicles (EV) have access to ChargePoint Level 2 Commercial Charging Stations when visiting the campus.
- Each station has the ability to charge two EVs at once
- Each EV station/parking space has a maximum 4-hour active charge use/time limit
- Use of the charging station parking space is reserved for EVs that are actively charging*
- Cornell Parking Structure on the fourth (4th) level
- M-BCH Lot on North Campus in the Domenici M Lot near HEB3
- RIO Lot on South Campus in the Student Support & Service Center Parking Lot
- UNMH Tower Garage on the second (2nd) level
- Yale Parking Structure on the first (1st) level
This is an ongoing process. PATS has been closely working with ISS leadership and the Capital Projects Office to develop parking options for the campus community. During the virtual town hall, PATS will be discussing a parking lot improvement project that involves lots in the A zone, R zone, and C zone.
Parking & Transportation Services (PATS) is a self-funded auxiliary department of The University of New Mexico. We are completely financially independent from The University and State Legislature as we are 100% self-funded by the services we provide. We are non-profit making: all our revenue goes directly back to help pay for our operational and capital expenses (e.g. lot repair and maintenance, bus purchases, etc.). Due to the current construction costs of building parking structures, and the current debt service that PATS carries on existing parking structures, the ability to finance new parking structures is limited. The focus right now is to identify and develop areas for surface lot construction.